速報APP / 生活品味 / Water Sound comfortable sleep

Water Sound comfortable sleep





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本




Water Sound comfortable sleep(圖1)-速報App

Is not it a problem you can not sleep with worries and troubles?

This application can make you sleep by playing a pleasant sound of water and gentle music.

It is the most effective choice for you who can not sleep.

The sound of water helps to relieve stress and creates a relaxing environment.

This application fully reproduces the various circumstances of carefully selected 16 kinds.

You can adjust the volume of water sound and music respectively, so you can create the ideal water sound of your choice.

Since I memorized the setting I last used, I can sleep with the same water sound every evening!

Because you can quit the application automatically by the sleep timer, just select the scene you like, set the timer and go to bed.

Please get a comfortable sleep!

# Major features #

- 16 sounds of water recorded

- 32 healing music

- Water sound, auxiliary sound, music can be played at the same time

- Sound of water, auxiliary sound, Music volume can be set individually

- Automatic termination by sleep timer function

- Since you memorized the water sound setting that was used last, you do not need to make annoying settings each night.

Water Sound comfortable sleep(圖2)-速報App

# Water sound list #

- Beach and boat

- Beach at dusk

- Deck of ferry

- A large fountain

- Snow melting water

- Night port

- Ice cave

- In the sea

- Mountain stream

- Raging stream

- Yacht Harbor

- Mountain rain

- City rain

- Waterfall

- Kayak

Water Sound comfortable sleep(圖3)-速報App

- Umbrella

If you have water sounds and features you want to help with your comfortable sleep please contact us.

Water Sound comfortable sleep(圖4)-速報App